Ask Cheryl: Crow’s Feet

Q: Is there anything I can do to eliminate crow’s feet at the side of my eyes A: Most of us will develop crow’s feet lines at the outside corners of our ees as of result of squinting our eyes in the sun or to see better.  The medical term for these common wrinkles is […]

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Ask Cheryl: Retinol Vitamin A for the Skin

Q: I hear a lot about retinols and how they are good for the skin, but I don’t understand why. A:  Retinol is a Vitamin A, an important anti-oxidant.  It works to repair the lower layers of the skin where collagen and elastin reside.  Retinol stimulates the production of these skin cells, creating firmer, smoother […]

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Ask Cheryl: What should I look for in a skin care regimen?

A:  The answer is determined by your age and your individual type of skin.  However, there are products that everybody needs:  The Minimum Basics The Should-haves Cleanser Sunscreen Moisturizer Retinols Antioxidants Peptides Glycolic Acid Facial Cleansers This article will focus on cleansers.  Cleansers should be fragrance-free and matched to your skin type.   If you have oily […]

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Ask Cheryl: Botox at what age?

Q: What is a good age to start having Botox treatments? A: It all depends on how you feel about your appearance.  Certainly it is time to consider BOTOX® Cosmetic if you are bothered by frown lines between your eyes or on your forehead, or have developed crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes.   These […]

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