Q: I have a few brown age spots and my complexion is uneven. What can I do?
A: As a result of sun exposure, most of us will develop brown age spots, freckles, and/or broken capillaries. This is easily corrected with IPL (Intense Pulsated Light) treatments.
IPL is a safe, tried-and-true method of using light energy to break up the melanin that composes brown spots, and eliminates unsightly broken capillaries.
The procedure is quick and there is no downtime. We can treat the face, chest, and even hands.
At SkinHealth Centers, our favorite technique is alternating microdermabrasion treatments with IPL treatments. Microdermabrasion provides an effective exfoliation, which enhances the effect of the IPL treatments. We are happy to provide a free consultation and tell you more about this very affordable approach to a beautiful complexion.