Q: What’s the best way to get rid of brown sunspots on forehead? A: Brown sunspots, age spots and freckles develop on parts of our body that are prone to sun exposure. Luckily, these unsightly spots can be lightened or eliminated with IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments.
IPL, sometimes referred as a photo-facial, is a safe, FDA-approved method of utilizing flashes of light energy to break up the melanin that forms brown spots. The melanin breaks apart and is absorbed by your body, eliminating the brown spots. The procedure can also clear up brown spots on the chest and hands.
IPL is also used to eliminate broken capillaries or redness in your complexion. It is effective for tiny vessels that look like little streams, as well as general redness, or ruddiness, as is found with rosacea. IPL is the fastest and most effective method to even out your skin tone!
Restore your skin’s youthful appearance by eliminating unsightly brown spots with Intense Pulsated Light. Call to make an appointment or schedule it online.