SkinHealth’s antioxidant products are one of the keys to looking fresh and vibrant at any age!
SkinHealth’s philosophy concerning topical antioxidants
Topical antioxidants Vitamin A, Vitamin C , Green Tea and CoQ10 are vital nutrients which feed skin its most potent weapon against “photo-aging.”
During the photo-aging process, sunlight and pollutants unleash free-radicals that break down skin, causing fine lines, wrinkles and slackening.
Free radials are unstable molecules with one or more unpaired electron. Nature strives for balance, and this unpaired free radical steals an electron from a nearby molecule, turning that molecule into a free-radical.
It is in essence a chain-reaction that causes increasing damage to the cells of the skin and makes our skin less healthy and older-looking.
Research shows that antioxidants disarm free radicals and repair collagen, undoing damage deep inside the skin.
Using SkinHealth’s antioxidant skin care products is your skin’s best insurance against the sun-triggered damage known as photoaging.
Anti-oxidant based products at the proper concentration and with the proper delivery systems, have been shown to help reverse existing damage and visible signs of aging and retard continuing damage. The research is compelling. It is one of the guiding principles at SkinHealth Centers.
Anybody concerned about the health and appearance of their skin should use SkinHealth’s high-quality topical antioxidants, such as green tea and vitamin C, on a daily basis.
In plain language: Antioxidants protect our skin by stopping our cells from breaking down after they have been exposed to harm.2. To prevent UV immunosuppression, in which the immune system is weakened after exposure to sunlight. This occurs in 90% of people who get skin cancer, and one third of the whole population.
In plain language: Antioxidants allow our immune system to do its job in protecting us from the damaging effects of the sun.3. To maintain skin’s connective tissue homeostasis and to stimulate collagen synthesis.
In plain language: Antioxidants help to stimulate collagen growth to keep our skin supple.4. To replace the Vitamin C in our skin that is depleted rapidly when skin is inflamed.
In plain language: Antioxidants help to reduce the effects ofinflammation.
SkinHealth’s high potency antioxidant serums:
Apply SkinHealth’s Vital C 15% or 20% (L-ascorbic acid form of vitamin C) cream or serum in the morning after washing your face and before applying moisturizer, make- up and sunscreen.
Apply Vital T (green tea) serum or cream in the evening after cleansing your face and before your night cream.
For a Complimentary Skin Evaluation and Rejuvenation Consultation at one SkinHealth’s three convenient Boston area locations, just click to book your appointment.