Q. I’d like to try plumping up my lips with filler but I don’t want to look like a freak! A. I understand; we have all seen pictures of celebrities with freakishly big lips. The key is to exercise restraint and to be conservative! Lip injections should look totally natural. Start with just a little; […]
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Q: I am not happy with my thighs. I have saddlebags that prevent me from feeling confident in jeans and pants. What do you recommend? A: Many women have a tendency to accumulate fat in their thighs. It can be very difficult, or impossible, to exercise and diet that fat away. CoolSculpting is an extremely […]
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Q. Please tell me what you would recommend as the best treatment to get rid of my double chin? A. At SkinHealth we offer two treatments that will permanently remove the fat that causes double chins: CoolSculpting and Kybella. They both work extremely well, and one is not better than the other. CoolsSculpting is a […]
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Q: I am a female and my hair is becoming very thin. My part gets wider every month and my hair is starting to shed. I am becoming very self-conscious. A: Women and men of all ages can experience hair loss. My suggestion is PRP hair restoration. PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma, is a very effective […]
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A: Facial filler is a term that used for various types of products that are injected into the face to remove wrinkles and/or add volume. Facial fillers are clear, flexible gels made of hyaluronic acid, which is a safe compound to exactly mimic the hyaluronic acid produced by our own body. Fillers are extremely safe, […]
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Q I have bags and dark circles under my eyes that make me look old and tired. Is there a product I can use to make them go away. A I wish it were that easy; unfortunately, there are no topical products that will truly help with bags under eyes. Bags under the eyes are […]
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A: Cellulite is normal fat which causes a ‘crater’ effect because it is trapped beneath the surface of the skin. This trapped fat pushes against the connective tissue, septa, causing the skin above it to pucker. Cellulite is more common in women and is commonly found on the thighs and buttocks, but can appear anywhere. […]
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Q: My legs make me look heavy even though my upper body is trim and is in shape. How do I get legs that would allow me to wear jeans again? A: I don’t know your name, but I am guessing you are a woman! As a woman, we tend to store fat and gain […]
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